Well, it looks like things are finally turning around. Here in Illinois things will soon be largely back to normal as restaurants, businesses, and theaters once again open their doors to full capacity. Movies will start being released again, masks will start becoming a less frequent sight, and people will finally be able to give hugs and shake hands.
All this is wonderful news, and on the church front things are looking up as well. No more muffled singing, a resuming of activities, and more in person events are something to look forward to and enjoy. Let us rejoice and be exceedingly glad!
There is one thing I hope we don't do, but probably will anyway. With everything going back to normal I hope we don't jump headlong into being ultra-busy like normal. If COVID brought one benefit it was that for many, though not all, it forced us to slow down and appreciate what we have.
I appreciate far more than I ever realized how much I value being with fellow Christians in person. I now know just how much I need a good hug after going extremely long stretches without any contact at all. I also now understand that what really matters is community, being with others.
As we go back to our lives perhaps we should try to hang on to the important things. The temptation, I think, will be to go from 0-100 immediately and once again fill our lives with business and noise. In so doing we might once again take for granted those things that, after being deprived of them for a time, are really impactful and important.
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