Human beings seem to just love a good argument. We love to argue about politics, religion, entertainment, and everything else under the sun. I actually don't think this is automatically a bad thing. Arguing is, at its core, an act of refining ideas and understanding by bringing your views into contrast with someone else's. If done correctly this results in growth and increased wisdom. Unfortunately, as with all things, we tend not to argue correctly. Instead of evaluating ideas objectively we get angry, allow bias to cloud our thoughts, and commit many mistakes that don't just prevent conversations but actively set them back. Often times we don't even realize that we are doing any of these things when we argue or engage in a discussion of ideas. As a result so many of what could be productive discussions or healthy arguments, especially on social media, devolve into shouting matches and name calling. Today I want to talk briefly about three common mistakes, or logical f...
The purpose of this blog is to challenge others to look like Jesus by engaging the Bible, theology, and contemporary issues.