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What a Fellowship: Celebrating Five Years at Northwest

Well, it's official; I've been at the Church of Christ Northwest for a grand total of five years now. Oh how I've grown to love and appreciate this congregation. It is ironically now, under quarantine and spending week upon week in complete isolation aside from some sporadic personal contact, that my appreciation for this group has been more fully realized.

This church is my family, and I mean that with the utmost sincerity. I regard them to be just as close to me as my father and brother and sister. It is a unity brought about not by blood or marriage, but by Christ. These people are my brothers and sisters, truly and fully.

Are they perfect? Heck no! Neither am I! There have been a variety of screw ups, hurt feelings, sleepless nights, frustrating conversations, and complete misfires in terms of getting stuff done. Lots of it has even been my fault. It hasn't always been easy, smooth, or even enjoyable. Still, it has always been a blessing.

So today, on the anniversary of my starting at Northwest, I want to say thank you to those who have made this journey possible and have been a huge blessing to me. I know I can't mention everybody, so don't feel bad if you aren't mentioned here!

First I must say thank you to the wonderful Dean Kennedy. You, my good sir, are great. I know we tease each other constantly but you really are a spiritual mentor to me. I know I can turn to you for wisdom and clarity, even when I lack both.

Thank you Alan and Susan Moreland. You two are great friends and have been incredibly supportive of me since day one. I literally could not do this without you. Alan, you are an excellent guy and a pleasure to work with. I also appreciate that someone here geeks out like I do! Susan, you are simply extraordinary with all the things you manage juggle, least of all making room in your family's life for me. Also Amelia and Sadie are basically my favorite people ever!

Thank you Gene and Karel Muerhing. You took me in immediately and I am so thankful. It has been an absolute joy to spend time with you guys.

Thank you Aaron and Kristin Campbell (and the girls!) Your hospitality and patience has been a blessing beyond measure. I would never have gotten as far as I have without your love and willingness to listen to me ramble on for far too long.

Thank you Betty and Meta. Y'all do so much work for this congregation and it never fails to impress me. Thank you for always speaking your mind and keeping me on my toes.

Thank you Rodney and Jill Humes (and Brennan, of course). You guys are two of the best friends anyone could ever have. Words cannot express how much I value the time we spend together.

Again, I could mention many more. I could speak of David, Rick and Meg, Mike and Susan, Barb, Terry and Joyce, Tom and Rebecca, Douglas and Crystal, Terry and Teresa, and many others. Thank you!

No, I'm not going anywhere. I just think too often we don't mention how we really feel until we are leaving or its too late. I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank the Church of Christ Northwest, and to let you know that you have been a blessing to me in so many ways. I pray that I have been a blessing to you too.


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