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Approaching the Cross

This quarantine state we now find ourselves in presents most of us with an opportunity for spiritual reflection and growth. Most of us are stuck at home with a bit more time on our hands than normal. Now is an excellent time to devote ourselves to prayer, study, and overall devotion to Christ. 

One of the disciplines that I think gets neglected is that of self-examination. In fact, I'd argue this is one of those disciplines that we actively try to avoid. We make our lives so busy and so full of noise that block out any chance for silence and reflection. That time of quiet where we can look squarely at ourselves makes many of us uncomfortable. Often times we don't like what we see.

Self-examination forces us to confront our own sinfulness and failures. We don't like to look at that. We like to think that we are essentially good people with a couple of flaws here and there that need to be ironed out. The truth is that we are all sick, every part of us has been touched by the decay of sin. 

This self-examination is intended to keep us honest with ourselves. No matter how far we may have grown and healed, there is always room for more. No matter how much God has poured out his grace and mercy in our lives, there is always a need for more. We simply cannot fix the problem of sin in our lives.

Of course one important result of self-examination is gratitude. While it may seem on the surface that confronting our own sinfulness will do nothing but lead us to despair, the truth is far more hopeful. Any serious contention and contemplation of our sin throws us squarely in the shadow of the Cross of Jesus Christ. 

One cannot address the issue of sin without addressing the one who became sin for us. One cannot address the decay and rot sin has caused in our world without discussing the great physician that gave himself as the cure. Jesus has won the battle. The powers of darkness that once ruled the world have been overthrown. Sin has been cast off! Death itself has been invaded!

Self-examination matters because it forces us to be honest about where we've been, where we are, and where we are going. It brings us face to face with Jesus and ever present work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. It brings us to the foot of the Cross, where our sin has been defeated and life flows anew.

This week is Holy Week, with Good Friday coming up in just a few days. Good Friday is the day of the Crucifixion of our Lord. What better time to examine yourself, to come face to face with the sinfulness in our lives, than as we approach the Day of the Cross? The more we understand just how devastating and corrupting sin is, the more thankful we become of Jesus' death on our behalf.


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