If I were to ask what the greatest problem of our culture is, many would say our unhealthy obsession with love and sex. Homosexuality, transsexualism, and the lack of respect for marriage are not only tolerated but championed. As long as it makes you "happy" do it, and don't let anybody tell you otherwise.
This is the world that we live in, one obsessed with human sexuality and romantic love. These two concepts have been so twisted from their original purpose that it can be hard to picture what they are supposed to look like. Unfortunately the church has not done a very good job with this.
Most of the talk in churches that revolves around sex and romance is a list of "don't"s. Don't have sex before marriage. Don't live with anyone but your spouse. Don't cheat on your partner. Don't be gay. The list goes on. While these things are of biblical origin, by themselves they don't really help. When this is what we preach, we are not perceived as the champions of God's design but the suppressors of people's freedoms.
Sadly, when most people think of the Bible all they think of are the "don't"s. Most Christians even wouldn't know where to turn in Scripture to find a positive image that shows us God's design in detail. This is because the one place that does go into detail about human sexuality and romantic love happens to be the single most avoided book in the Bible; the Song of Songs.
This is the world that we live in, one obsessed with human sexuality and romantic love. These two concepts have been so twisted from their original purpose that it can be hard to picture what they are supposed to look like. Unfortunately the church has not done a very good job with this.
Most of the talk in churches that revolves around sex and romance is a list of "don't"s. Don't have sex before marriage. Don't live with anyone but your spouse. Don't cheat on your partner. Don't be gay. The list goes on. While these things are of biblical origin, by themselves they don't really help. When this is what we preach, we are not perceived as the champions of God's design but the suppressors of people's freedoms.
Sadly, when most people think of the Bible all they think of are the "don't"s. Most Christians even wouldn't know where to turn in Scripture to find a positive image that shows us God's design in detail. This is because the one place that does go into detail about human sexuality and romantic love happens to be the single most avoided book in the Bible; the Song of Songs.
The Song of Songs is the last of the wisdom literature and is comprised almost entirely of poetry. This is one reason people avoid this book; they don't know what to do with poetry. It is also the only book in the Bible where the majority of the book takes place from a woman's perspective.
We do not know who wrote the Song of Songs. Many point to Solomon based on the first verse, "The Song of Songs, which is Solomon's." However this doesn't necessarily mean he wrote it. It could very well mean that it is dedicated to him. Also when Solomon appears in the book he is a distant, mythic figure. This also means that we don't really know when the book was written either.
The primary reason Christians have avoided the Song of Songs isn't because its themes are complex, but rather because they are so straightforward. This is a book of love poetry written between a man and a woman. They are in love and fervently desire each other. It's that simple.
However if you read closely you will notice that there is more to this book than love and sex. One of the key motifs that plays out over and over again in the book is waiting for the correct time. Song of Songs 2:7 "I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the gazelles or does of the field, that you not stir up or awaken love until it pleases." This warning to wait until the proper time for love is repeated in 3:5, 5:8, and 8:4.
Another important theme that repeats itself throughout the book is that of a garden or orchard. The garden is both a call back to the Garden of Eden and a very important symbol. It is a place where their love can grow freely, but it is still a garden with boundaries and safety. It is a symbol for the proper context for love, which we know to be marriage.
Theological Point
God created love and sex with a purpose; to bring a man and a woman closer together and reveal the image of God. The Song of Songs shows the power of love and desire, and cautions against losing self control. It also illustrates that when in the proper context of marriage, nothing on earth is more beautiful and enjoyable than romantic love.
The references to the Garden of Eden show that God intended love and sex between a married man and woman to be a beautiful thing. Both were created in the image of God and together they form yet a more complete image. This is purpose behind the design.
What if we taught our teenagers and even adults this message about love and sex? What if we showed them the purpose behind God's design, instead of trying to justify it with "the Bible said so"? I think we would see a positive change at all age levels in our churches. We could champion God's design without seeming hateful and fearful.
We need to stop ignoring the Song of Songs. Can it be tricky? Yes. The poetic nature of the book can make it hard for modern readers to understand, but the benefits easily justify the challenges. The Song of Songs speaks to a very real need in our world today. It would be wrong for us to ignore the tool God has given us.
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