There is an ongoing discussion raging in many Christian circles concerning what to do with ministers, pastors, and other leaders who are accused of abuse, assault, and other harmful activities. The discussion is not about whether or not these individuals should be disciplined, everyone agrees that they should be, but rather what comes next. At what point does a leader who has been abusive in the past become eligible to lead again? Some believe that those who have been proven to be predatory and abusive as leaders should be disqualified from church leadership for the rest of their lives. They should be forgiven, but what they did should not be forgotten. Others feel uncomfortable with this. They believe that Christianity is a religion of forgiveness and that it would be wrong to permanently bar someone from leadership if they have reformed. These leaders should be forgiven and their past sins blotted out. The tricky thing here is that both sides of this advocate for forgiveness tow...
The purpose of this blog is to challenge others to look like Jesus by engaging the Bible, theology, and contemporary issues.