Earlier today I stood in line at an office of the Texas Department of Public Safety to get a Texas driver's license. This particular office is actually a converted grocery store that they have turned into a facility that specifically deals with driver's licenses and the like. Unfortunately, while there I discovered that the birth certificate that I had was actually a copy and only the original would do.
Let's just say that I was incredibly annoyed by this. I had scheduled the appointment a week in advance, had gathered up all sorts of documents to prove my identity, I showed up early just like one is supposed to, and I find out that because one document isn't right I can't go ahead and take care of things. It was frustrating and a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy because I always dread dealing with government bureaucracy.
After I got home and stewed for a bit I realized that it wasn't that big of a deal. After all, I can just go to the courthouse and get another document that will work. While it is time consuming this isn't the end of the world.
How often do I let small annoyances and frustrations hijack my attitude and focus? It always amazes me just how easily my joy in Christ flies out the window just because I get annoyed or frustrated by little things. I'm so thankful that our God is merciful and compassionate, because I need every bit of both I can get.
Life isn't all about the big moments of pain or grief or joy. A lot of our witness comes from the ordinary life and its inconveniences and opportunities. How many waiters/waitresses have been inadvertently turned away from Christ by the horrific behavior of the Sunday lunch crowd? That's not a big event, but an ordinary life moment where we have the unique opportunity to proclaim Jesus by the way we treat those offering us their service.
I know that I need to work on controlling my frustration and not letting it control me. One way to do that is by constant prayer and meditation. Continually refocusing on God and his presence can help us put those frustrating moments into perspective. Let us be constant in our imitation of Christ and not abandon it simply because we get annoyed or frustrated.
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