It's always incredible to me how things we do or read come back later to be of enormous blessing even when at the time it may not seem like it. There have been numerous times in my life where I've read a book on a certain theological topic only for it to become extremely relevant a few months later. There have been times where I read a passage of scripture in the morning only for it to become poignant and real by that afternoon due to what was happening around me.
A good example of this was the book Surprised By Hope by N.T. Wright. I read this book in the summer of 2015, my very first summer here in Peoria. It's a book all about our hope as Christians and at how much more robust and surprising it is than simply "dying and going to heaven." It speaks a lot about the future resurrection and restoration of creation awaiting the faithful. Truly a good book that I encourage you to check out.
I read the book and enjoyed it. It gave me a lot to think about on an intellectual level. I was reexamining the Bible to see what I had missed and would excitedly call up my mother to talk to her about this newfound world of study I'd discovered.
Then my mother went to the hospital and never returned home. I was devastated, as were so many others. I returned to Peoria in early January only a few days after the funeral to my first ever real snow storm. My apartment had no power. I was cold, alone, and in grief. At that time I thought the world was ending.
As I tried to carry on in life all of a sudden what I had read in Surprised By Hope came flooding back to me. It was no longer a mere intellectual exercise but a real proclamation of Good News to the hurting and weary soul. There was a hope stronger than I could imagine and though I didn't have it all figured out (and still don't) I knew I could trust in Jesus.
This type of thing has happened to me many times in my life. Sometimes it is with books but it has happened with hymns, Bible passages, and even ordinary discussions. These seeds of blessing are planted by God without me even realizing it only for them to bloom when I need them most.
What seeds of blessing have sprouted in your life? What things have you experienced only for God to use them later to great effect? Reflect upon the many blessings from God we have received and thank him for all that he has done.
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