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Living in the Mystery

The Christian faith is one that is full of mystery. We are called to live both distinct from the world yet also bound up and involved in redeeming it. Jesus Christ, the founder and perfecter of our faith, is both completely God and completely human. We see these mysteries all the time in our faith, and at times it can be difficult to know what to make of them.

Often times are reaction to a mystery of the faith is to double down on one side or the other. Many Christians live their lives in constant fear of the world, working tirelessly to separate themselves from our culture and times. They take the call to be distinct from the world seriously but ignore the call to be bound up and involved with it. Still others do the opposite, becoming so bound up with the world that they are no longer distinct in any meaningful way.

This reaction is understandable because we don't like the unknown and uncertainty. We prefer to know where things stand, have a clear understanding of what to do, and know where the boundaries and enemies are to be avoided. Mysteries don't allow for that as much as we'd like. 

We are called to live in the mysteries of the faith. The first step is accepting that God is bigger than our understanding. This sounds like a no brainer, but in truth this is much harder to do than you might think. We all have a notion of who or what God is and we live in such a way that corresponds to that understanding. The truth is that no matter how lofty or holy your understanding of God is, it simply isn't big enough.

This is why God calls us to constantly encounter him in Bible study, worship, serving others, community, and so many other ways. One of the greatest challenges we must overcome is our own understanding of who God is. We must learn to be constantly conforming to the living God revealed in Jesus Christ and illumined by the Holy Spirit. 

This is how we start living in the mystery, knowing and trusting the living God. As we continue to grow and be shaped by him it becomes easier for us to stand in the tensions of the faith because we know all things are possible with God. It is here we must live, thrive, and remain.


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