Too often I am numb to the extraordinary truth of Christianity. My whole life is inundated with theology, church, prayer, and the whole religion thing. I work for a church so everything I do, in some way or another, is about or at least related to faith. This means that I hear and read the language of grace, redemption, resurrection, and all the rest all the time. I will admit that I sometimes just get used to it. Grace no longer astounds me, its just a part of life. Redemption is something brought up twenty or thirty times a day. The Resurrection of Jesus, the center point of history and the fundamental fact of Christianity, is just a given fact. Prayer becomes mundane, worship rote, and reading the Bible something I have to do because I teach multiple Bible studies a week. I get the feeling that I'm not alone in this. Many Christians at some point in their life get in a rut. The more you are around something the more accustomed to it you get, and sadly this holds true to the trut...
The purpose of this blog is to challenge others to look like Jesus by engaging the Bible, theology, and contemporary issues.