There are many issues that and topics that come up in churches today. The Churches of Christ have their own set of issues and hot button topics just like any other tradition. Some of these are issues we share with the larger Christian world while others are issues all our own. Regardless, these are the things that get people riled up and that everyone wants to talk about.
Unfortunately, we aren't very good at talking about them. Every time a flashy issue arises, so do the polemics. People pick their side and the fight begins.
The problem isn't the issues. In fact part of the problem is that we believe that the hot button issues of our time are the real issue. They aren't. The real issue is that we don't seek God anymore.
Too often what we want in life isn't God but moral superiority. We want to say "I'm right, you're wrong." By chasing that kind of superiority we lose sight of that which is truly superior; God.
In the end it doesn't matter who wins the trivial debates of our time. If we do not seek God at all times, then any "victory" we might achieve is pyrrhic at best. Even if there is a truly right answer, if we are not constantly seeking after God then what is the point?
Our lives must be rooted in prayer, worship, Bible study, and the life of the church. Outside of this there can be no true growth. God must be our focus, no matter the issues that come our way. Our lives must flow from the character and nature of God.
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