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Showing posts from April, 2018

A Prayer for Wisdom

Our Father Omnipotent, almighty God Name above all names Exalted above the heavens Whose glory has no end Who no man can comprehend We come to you in humility Father of lights Illuminate our weary minds Orient our very being Our heart, soul, mind, and strength To your wisdom and will Fill us with your Spirit That Holy Spirit of power and grace That same Spirit that came upon your Son That Spirit that is truly of you, from you, and one with you We ask that you fill us with his presence Help us to grasp the depths of our own failings Help us to find peace in your mystery Help us to walk in holiness Help us, Lord We ask this of you, oh Father In the name of of your Son The Lord, Christ Jesus To whom we give all honor and devotion Amen

The Real Issue

There are many issues that and topics that come up in churches today. The Churches of Christ have their own set of issues and hot button topics just like any other tradition. Some of these are issues we share with the larger Christian world while others are issues all our own. Regardless, these are the things that get people riled up and that everyone wants to talk about.  Unfortunately, we aren't very good at talking about them. Every time a flashy issue arises, so do the polemics. People pick their side and the fight begins. The problem isn't the issues. In fact part of the problem is that we believe that the hot button issues of our time are the real issue. They aren't. The real issue is that we don't seek God anymore. Too often what we want in life isn't God but moral superiority. We want to say "I'm right, you're wrong." By chasing that kind of superiority we lose sight of that which is truly superior; God. In the end it doesn...

The Importance of Why

This past Sunday was Easter, the single most significant day in history. Many Christians around the world gathered to praise God for the resurrection of Jesus Christ, an event that signaled the end of the old creation and the ushering in of the new. It is the pinnacle of history, when God raised Jesus from the dead. For the first time death had lost its grip on someone forever. Things would never be the same. In 1 Corinthians 15 the apostle Paul writes what is one of the most important passages of all time. He writes that everything hangs on the resurrection; if Christ did not rise from the dead, then Christianity is worthless. It is the linchpin of our entire faith. In this age of skepticism and hunger for evidence, many Christians have engaged the world with arguments and proofs of the reality of the resurrection. This is a good thing and I wholeheartedly encourage people to check out videos and articles that do a credible job of demonstrating the viability and reality of the C...