Our Father Omnipotent, almighty God Name above all names Exalted above the heavens Whose glory has no end Who no man can comprehend We come to you in humility Father of lights Illuminate our weary minds Orient our very being Our heart, soul, mind, and strength To your wisdom and will Fill us with your Spirit That Holy Spirit of power and grace That same Spirit that came upon your Son That Spirit that is truly of you, from you, and one with you We ask that you fill us with his presence Help us to grasp the depths of our own failings Help us to find peace in your mystery Help us to walk in holiness Help us, Lord We ask this of you, oh Father In the name of of your Son The Lord, Christ Jesus To whom we give all honor and devotion Amen
The purpose of this blog is to challenge others to look like Jesus by engaging the Bible, theology, and contemporary issues.