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Daniel, Sovereignty of God

The book of Daniel is a somewhat peculiar book. We absolutely love the first six chapters. The stories of Daniel and the lion's den, Nebuchadnezzar's dream, and the writing on the wall among others are a staple of our Bible classes of all ages. These are stories we can open up and see clear messages in.

Chapters seven through twelve, however, are a different story. We look at these chapters the same way many look at the book of Revelation; as a bunch of freaky dreams that are best ignored. The last half of the book is full of visions and signs that make us scratch our head.

In truth the entire book, both the stories we love and the visions we don't, all revolve around the same theme. The book of Daniel has one message, and that is God's absolute sovereignty.


The book of Daniel's authorship is an interesting question. The visions in chapter seven and onward are written in the first person, clearly by Daniel himself. The rest of the book, primarily the parts that chronicle Daniel's life, doesn't really say who the author is. It could be Daniel, or it could be any number of people who witnessed Daniel's life. 

This book was written during the Babylonian Exile. Daniel was taken in one of the first waves of exiles, just like Ezekiel. The first groups taken were typically the young, talented men who could be most productive. Daniel, as the book describes, was one such man. The book was written over a long period of time, long enough to see the Persians conquer Babylon.


The theme in the book of Daniel is very clear cut; God is sovereign. He is in complete control over everything. The nations and empires of the earth rise, fall, and even exist solely because God allows it. This is a book that is meant to encourage a weary people living in a foreign land by reminding them that their God has not abandoned them.

We see this theme play out in every chapter of the book of Daniel. We see God's sovereignty in the lives of Daniel and his friends as they refuse to eat anything that contradicts God's Law. We see God's sovereignty in the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego as they are untouched by flames of the mighty furnace. We see it again in Nebuchadnezzar's dreams, the lion's den, and the writing on the wall.

In Daniel's visions we see God's sovereignty once again on full display. Daniel sees visions of beasts that show him that God is in complete control of the future. He sees the majesty of God like few ever have before. Perhaps most astonishingly he sees a "son of man" (aka a human being) being given all authority in heaven and on earth by God. 

Theological Point

God is in complete control. This is a very important but also incredibly misunderstood concept. First let's go over what it does NOT mean. This doesn't mean that everything that happens is caused by God. God does NOT maim people in accidents, give children diseases, or kill people indiscriminately. We live in a world that has been shattered by human sin and selfishness. Everything has broken down.

So what does it mean when we say "God is in complete control"? It means that no matter what God's purpose will be accomplished. It doesn't matter what happens in this world, God will be victorious and faithful to his promises. He is not sitting idly by while our sin wrecks everything. He has a plan and it WILL succeed.

Think of the Jews who originally heard this book. The vast majority of them would have been nowhere near the likes of Nebuchadnezzar and Daniel. They would have no way of knowing what goes on at the highest levels of government. The Jews would have been resigned to living out their ordinary lives under the rule of a foreign leader. Their land was gone. The temple, the symbol of the covenant with God, was destroyed. Everything seemed hopeless.

Then to hear the book of Daniel read for the first time. To hear how God humbled the mighty Nebuchadnezzar and made one of their own people governor of the whole empire. They would hear the visions of Daniel and would hear how God is on the move throughout history to restore his people. This is a book of hope, a hope that rests in the sovereignty of God.


Our God is in complete control. That doesn't mean he micromanages every step in our lives. It means that God's purpose for this world will be accomplished. The invitation is here. God wants us to join his side. He is going to win no matter what, but he invites us to play a part in that victory. Daniel submitted to God and God used him to shape two empires! How will God use us today?


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