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Ash Wednesday

Today is Ash Wednesday, something that most people in my tradition do not observe. While that is fine I think there is a lot to be gained from observing the season of Lent. As we head towards Holy Week (the last week of Jesus' life prior to the Resurrection) Christians have long held observances to reflect on Christ and better understand God, ourselves, and the world.

Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent, a season of fasting, prayer, and contemplation. Ash Wednesday is a day all about sin and our need to repent. This is something I believe we often don't do enough if at all. Sin has become a minor inconvenience, more of a personality flaw than a deeply immoral and ungodly condition. 

Sin is serious. Just this past week a major Christian apologist and leader was revealed to have been a sexual predator for years. This man was, while he was alive, most likely the best known and most respected Christian speaker and apologist in the world. Now after his passing his own organization revealed the devastating pain and evil this man had caused and that had been forcibly covered up.

There is not a single one of us who is immune to sin. We all worship idols and cause harm to ourselves and our neighbors. As we approach the anniversary of the Cross we must be humble. The atoning death of Christ was necessary for me to ever know God and experience true life. 

However, all is not hopeless. Ash Wednesday is also a call to repentance because repentance is possible. Turn away from sin, from idols, and from temptation. Fix your eyes upon Jesus and, by the power of the Holy Spirit, you can stand before the Father as a child of adoption calling out "Abba!" 

So today I invite you to reflect on your sins and repent. I invite you to fast and pray today. Abstain from food and entertainment to better understand our utter dependence on God alone.  


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