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Showing posts from September, 2022

The Difference Between Teaching and Preaching

I think that it is relatively safe to say that in many of our churches there is no real difference between the act of teaching and preaching. Sure, we tend to regard teaching as more interactive and preaching as less so, but otherwise they are pretty much the same. Whether someone is teaching or preaching they are typically trying to impart knowledge and encouragement. In essence what we have is just teaching in slightly different modes. Biblically speaking teaching and preaching are actually two different things. They are translated from two different Greek words that aren't even related to each other. Teaching comes from the word didasko  and preaching from the word kerygma . This tidbit of Greek should help us think about these two activities as different, even though in our culture preaching and teaching have become synonymous. So what's the difference between preaching and teaching? Well, teaching is about instruction and building up the knowledge of a student. This is whe...

The Gift of Uncertainty

I think that most of the time we all hate being uncertain. We like stability and the comfort of being sure that we want, believe, or profess to know is true and good. We want our relationships with our friends, family, and other loved ones to be well defined. It's uncomfortable to not know where you stand with someone you care about.  The same is true in matters of religion and faith. We like certainty, of being sure that we are on the right path or believing in the right thing. It makes us feel safe, secure, and stable when we are certain about the particulars of our faith. This is the great draw of fundamentalism and is the reason so many of the churches and Christian communities in our country could be identified as such. There is, however, a problem with certainty. Actually, there are multiple problems with it. The first is that when a community is absolutely certain about their particular interpretations, understandings, and practices it shuts down honest questioning and seeki...

What is Spirituality?

As most people who read this probably know, I am currently back in school full time. No, they didn't find out that I secretly flunked the 6th grade and sent me back to junior high (though I'd still probably struggle with 6th grade math). I'm currently taking classes as prep to begin a PhD program next year at the Oblate School of Theology. My focus is on spirituality. Don't worry, this isn't some weird, hippy type of program. I'm studying spirituality in its academic sense, the experiences people have of God and how they relate to theology, the Bible, and living a Christian life. Every single one of us has had experiences of a religious sort, be they positive or negative. My goal is to understand how our experiences of God, both good and bad, impact our ability to do theology and be disciples.  For many people it is their experiences that are the primary governing factor in how they view life and faith. You can study the Bible on a particular point with someone ...