Over the as several weeks we have been examining different views on what it means to be made in God's Image. Each of them, I think, is valid and speaks to the truth of the situation. Ultimately I think a more robust view is one that incorporates all of them into one. Here is a brief summary of each to refresh our memory. Functional View - This view holds that being made in the Image of God refers to our calling or vocation here on the earth. We are called to be God's image in his cosmic temple, which means being conduits of praise up to God and conduits of blessing down from God. This primarily focuses on our function or purpose in creation. Structural View - This view holds that being made in the Image of God is about our design, or structure, of being both physical and spiritual beings. Every human being is both physical and spiritual. This uniqueness makes us made in God's Image in this world as we alone of all the creatures of the world are truly spiritual and in touch ...
The purpose of this blog is to challenge others to look like Jesus by engaging the Bible, theology, and contemporary issues.