First of all I want to thank everyone who checked on me and prayed for me while I had COVID-19 this past month. Your love and concern helped me to feel the love of God even while I was sick and generally feeling terrible. So, thank you. The pandemic has left us all in a pickle. As Christians we are torn between our desire to gather together as we have always done and our desire to not spread this virus. We feel the call to love our neighbors, but we aren't entirely sure how to live that out. There is no easy option. On the one hand, the virus is real and it is dangerous. I didn't even have it that severely, but what I experienced I sincerely wish no else endure. As people who love our neighbors, those who are called to see others as more valuable and better than ourselves, if there is something we can do to keep them safe we should leap at the call to do it. This is true even if that something involves inconveniencing ourselves and laying down our desires and comforts. On the o...
The purpose of this blog is to challenge others to look like Jesus by engaging the Bible, theology, and contemporary issues.